Okay, first post…
It’s been a manic week at Pi Starter HQ, getting everything set up (domain names, hosting, websites, themes, etc) and planning out what things should look like (menus, sidebars, footers etc) but most of that is done, or planned now.
I’ve also been putting a lot of thought into what kind of articles are needed (suggestions in the comments if you want something specific), and I have a bunch of idea – more ideas than time available at the moment…
Loosely, I’m thinking of having :
- Projects for Beginners, Intermediate and Advanced level folks, hardware and software
- Useful snippets
- News and Announcements
- A ‘Project of the Week’ (Fridays)
That’s the ‘starting’ point, we’ll see how things pan out and what people want to see, and adjust accordingly. I think there might be scope to cover Arduino and micro:bit projects too, but that’s on hold at the moment – plenty to do already.
So, time to get on with some writing…