I had a couple of hours free this evening, and so began to do work on the first stage of the Raspberry Pi Music Player project. This was mostly the modifications to the plastic power tool case which is going to serve as the ‘enclosure’ for the Music Player project.
Here’s a few pictures of the work…
First thing to do was to cut out a template for the speakers to make the marking easier.
I then used that template to mark out where I needed to cut on the plastic box. I used the Dremel (fantastic piece of kit) to drill round the edge of the speaker hole.
The speaker was a good snug fit, with none of the rough edges showing. This probably needs a little tidying up of that edge up before the final version.
Same again for the second speaker. Next, I started on a hole for the On/Off switch which I wanted on the side of the box. This is a green, 12v rocker switch that illuminates when on.
With that done, I moved on to a few internal cuts to make sure there was room for the Pi (Model B+). The stereo amplifier board needed some holes drilled in the case to mount it in. That was pretty much the first stage complete. Looks quite neat so far.
Next, will be the internal wiring and setting up the software for the Raspberry Pi Music Player. For this I’ll be using MPD. Watch this space for the next update…
Update (Sept 2016): The full project write up can be found here.