Blog Archive

Check out all blog posts in my blog archive. Click on a headline to read the teaser.

7 Years
First night sky timelapse video
Capturing night-time stills and turning them into a short star trail video. Read More ›

Raspberry Pi NoIR Camera for Astrophotography
Just getting started using the Raspberry Pi with a NoIR camera for astrophotography. Read More ›

IR LEDs for a Pi NoIR Camera
Building a simple IR LED/lamp to take pictures with the Raspberry Pi NoIR camera. Read More ›

Raspberry Pi with a RDA5708 FM Radio Module
Getting an I2C FM radio module working with the Raspberry Pi - sample code on github. Read More ›

How To Make A Raspberry Pi Shutdown Button
Step by step guide on how to make a simple shutdown button for your Raspberry Pi. Read More ›

Vintage Pi Radio Project
The start of another project. Modernising this vintage Roberts Rambler with a little I2C FM module. Read More ›

Raspberry Pi Outdoor Music Player Project
A guide to building a Raspberry Pi outdoor music player from a few components and an old power tool case Read More ›

BBC Micro Bit Arrived
Postman had a gift for me today. 2 of these new BBC Micro:bit devices arrived. I guess that mean I have to find another 2 projects to build… Read More ›

Pi Outdoor Music Player Update
Update on the outdoor/wifi music player project I was working on. Read More ›

128×64 OLED Display interfacing with a Raspberry Pi
How to interface an I2C display with a Raspberry Pi, including some C code for initialization and character codes. Read More ›

Working out byte array character maps
Take all 26 letters of the alphabet, add the numbers 0 to 9 and a bunch of punctuation. Now work out the byte arrays for the character maps required to display each character on a [128x64bit OLED display](… Read More ›

Another Raspberry Pi Zero Case
Notes on a new Pi Zero case... Read More ›

Setup OTG Networking on a Pi Zero
Overlays and modules needed to set up OTG Networking on a Pi Zero... Read More ›

Raspberry Pi Zero Case
Notes on a nice little Pi Zero case that I bought... Read More ›

Raspberry Pi Zero USB Hub Hack
A little project to add a 3 port USB hub to a Pi Zero... Read More ›

5 Essential Raspberry Pi Accessories To Buy Today
Got yourself a Raspberry Pi ? Here’s my list of the 5 essential Raspberry Pi Accessories you’ll need to make the most of your Pi. This list covers official, cheapest, most useful and some ‘advanced (DIY)’ accessories. Read More ›

Raspberry Pi Versions
The various versions of the Raspberry Pi... Read More ›

Time-lapse Video with a Webcam
This project will show you how to use a standard webcam to create a time-lapse video recorder – great for watching the whole day go by in a few minutes. Read More ›

Getting Started with a Pi Zero
Managed to get hold of a Pi Zero ? Here’s how to get started with it… Read More ›

Raspberry Pi P6 Reset Hack 2
A little hack to populate the P6 header on a Raspberry Pi and use it for doing remote resets... Read More ›

Gradle Generate Release Notes from Git
A short gradle script to generate release notes from git commits... Read More ›

Quadcopter V1
So for the past few weeks, on and off, I have been focusing on hardware – building a magnificent flying machine – a quadcopter... Read More ›

Git – Push to a new remote server repository
Short reminder to myself on how to create a new server repo and do the initial push to it from a workstation. Read More ›

Baking Pi – Part 2
In this post I wanted to outline what was required to set up Wi-Fi and to get a Microsoft LifeCam 6000 working, providing a web page with the camera image streaming. Read More ›

Pi Track – Overview
One of the things I’d been planning on since buying the Raspberry Pi is putting together some sort of robot (for the kids benefit you understand…) Read More ›

Baking Pi – Part 1
After [starting with a Raspberry Pi](Starting-with-a-Raspberry-Pi) that was just too simple to set up as XMBC media centre for daughter #1 bedroom, it soon became a permanent feature there – meaning, of course, that I needed another… Read More ›

Starting with a Raspberry Pi
I eventually got round to ordering a [Raspberry Pi Model B (512MB RAM)](![]( As you probably know this is a £25 ($35) computer running a 700MHz ARM processor and capable of decoding displaying HiDef 1080p video... Read More ›

Multiple Machine Configuration
If you are anything like me you’ll find yourself using a number of different PCs through a typical week. I have my work laptop, my work Dev machine, my home PC, my netbook and some semi permanent virtual machines that I have. It can be a bit of a pain keeping my standard installed apps updated across all of these. Read More ›

Getting WordPress Prettylinks working in IIS
New Gmail Design
Thoughts on the new GMail design makeover that just came out... Read More ›

Drag and Drop from a TreeView to a DataGridView
Android Development / Hundred Pushups App
This is a bit of a mixed post, Eclipse / Android development versus Visual Studio / Windows development, and a bit of self promotion of my ‘Hundred Pushups’ app. Read More ›

SportyPal Screen Scraping with PowerShell
Twitter oAuth from C#
A while back I was working on a ‘post to Twitter’ function that used the original Basic Authentication that the Twitter V1.0 API allowed. Unfortunately, at the end of Aug 2010 they discontinued support for this... Read More ›

PowerMeter from PowerShell
CurrentCost Power Monitor Software – Take 2
CurrentCost Power Monitor Software
I recently bought a device to monitor our household energy consumption. After looking at a few I lumped for a [CurrentCost Envi]( this is a great little device that comes in two parts – a transmitter with jaws that wrap around the main power cable coming into your home and a desktop display unit. Read More ›

Install Windows from a USB Drive
Instructions for creating a bootable USB drive from Windows (to install Windows) Read More ›

Reading List – March 2010
Cannot create Edge Subscription file
Outlook Web Access – Document Access
Generate sitemaps using PowerShell
Access ODBC Connection Strings
Enabling virtualization when booting from VHD
Exchange 2007 Access Denied when installing Mailbox Role
Dual Boot is Dead – Long Live Boot from VHD
WebApp KeepAlive Service
Exchange 2010 Store Compression
Google Results Ranking
TimeSnapper Plugin
Windows 7 and my Windows Mobile phone
Windows 7 Sticky Notes
Remote Control via Twitter
Subclassing Windows in C#
Kameleon 8040 aka One For All 4 in 1
SMS Gateway follow up
Have a prosperous 2009
Support : The sales opportunity.
Sending an SMS Message from Windows Mobile 6
SMS Gateway using WM6 and ActiveSync
MSCRM reports not working
Online retailers – listen up
Business of Software 2008
Ignoring feedback
MSCRM Data Imports
August 2008 Reading List
Workplace Productivity Tip 2
Workplace Productivity Tip 1
What services use what ports
Listen Live
NikePlus Gets An F Minus
Replace in Files for PowerShell
Outlook IMAP
Google mail IMAP not working on WM6
Tweet from PowerShell
Is agile an excuse for sloppy project management
Search for the Enterprise
Homebrew Home Server
A couple of handy scripts
Todo.txt scripts
The killer UI for Windows Mobile
Flex your scripting fingers
New home backup regime
Redirector HttpModule
PowerShell Plus
HTC TyTn II Windows Mobile
Manic few weeks but normal service is resumed.
Setting expectations
Too many hex calculators around
Do it yourself ringtones
If revenue and customs can't count
Scripting Active Directory
Consuming SOAP Web Services from VBScript
Insert Geo Microformat Plugin for Windows Live Writer
GeoRss for dasBlog
Mix UK using social networking tool
Automating Installs
MSCRM Importing Does Not Honor Create Dates
dasBlog 2.0 Released
Consuming or Producing
Current and Planned Reading List
28 Hour Day
Activity RSS for dasBlog
Word 2007 Opening PDF Files
MSCRM Migrating Accounts
C# class to update DynDNS
Getting Into Technical Debt
Certified ScrumMaster Training
Local Dialects for Office Dictionaries
Migrating to MSCRM using CDF
Development Team Progress
MSCRM Customization
Vista and my new Acer Aspire L100
Word 2007 Blogging Fix 2
Word Blogging Fix
IHttpModule redirector
Immersing myself in PowerShell
Outlook RSS and downloading podcasts
Outlook RSS and why I deleted TechNet Radio
We are looking for good Support Engineers.
A good week
Camtasia and Powershell on Vista
Implementing SCRUM
IIS Integrated Authentication and Proxy Servers
Creative Zen AV Connection
Creative Zen Vision M 30GB
Who moved my Cheese (Excel Conditional Formatting)
Why blogging from Word 2007 to Dasblog does not work.
Outlook 2007 Instant Search
My New Category Filing System In Outlook 2007
How Much Space Does Powershell Need
Word 2007 Contacting Printers On Opening
Vista On My Acer TravelMate 3012
Blogging from Word 2007
RSS Support in Outlook 2007
Windows Live Writer on Vista
Initial Thoughts On Outlook 2007
Vista, Office 2007 and Productivity.
Sandcastle Documentation Generation
More Hassle With SupportSuite
MAPI and Unicode PST files
Factory Design Pattern
State Design Pattern
.NET GPS Library
Dasblog – Daily Activity Report
High Definition TV.
The Ken Test – Should have ticklist for support organizations.
Writing Supportable Software 4 – Dump your configuration
Writing Supportable Software 3 – Identify your dependencies
Writing Supportable Software 2 – How easy is it to Roll Back
Writing Supportable Software 1 – Tracing for maximum effect
Virtual Server Annoyances
Berghaus Sullivan Jacket – Review
Singleton Design Pattern
Moving (lots of) Outlook Calendar Items
Dasblog Macros – Code
C2C Wins Microsoft Partner Program 'Customer Experience Award'
Dasblog Macros
SCRUM – after 3 months (1 product release cycle)
TaHoGen – Code Generation
Windows Live Writer 1.0 (Beta)
Dasblog 1.9 released
Writer Plugin Update
WindowsLive Writer Plugin
Joel's LG Fusic Phone Review (take note Samsung)
Updating a ADSL2MUE
Linksys WRT54G and ADSL2MUE
w.Bloggar out, Windows Live Writer in
Two weeks in and he has a name !!
New Baby
XMLSerializer – what a pain !!
Implementing SCRUM – Lessons Learnt
My Home Computing Utopia
We have a name !!
Poor service from web hosting company
Munrobagging – Reaching Halfway / Ticking the Fannich's
Steps in the technical support process
TaHoGen Code Generation – Update
TaHoGen4 Code Generation
SupportSuite Knowledgebase RSS feed
SupportSuite – KB bug fixed
Ben Vane and Ben Ime
Getting Things Done for Outlook
Exchange 12 – TechNet evening
Samsung D600 is getting VERY annoying !!
Ruby's sibling.
Technical Support v's Application Support
New Jacket – Berghaus Sullivan III (Bargain at 120 pounds)
Teaching Ruby 'Eskimo Kisses'
Nose Secretion Management
nGallery is fantastic
RSSPopper 0.31 Expired
Scripting Exchange Server
Tools for every machine.
Helpdesk Application
Samsung D600 review
Is it worth it ???
Public Folders to RSS to Mailbox