Outlook 2007 Instant Search

Having just blogged about my filing system for email, I’m considering changing it completely. I have spent a few minutes ‘playing’ with Outlook 2007’s Instant Search feature – it rocks !! The technical bit are that you must have some of the Windows Search modules installed (this comes as standard…

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Blogging from Word 2007

Windows Live Writer is currently being a real pain for me. I have my ‘My Documents’ redirected to a network drive in our UK office (where I usually work), but I am currently in our Westboro, MA office so my ‘My Documents’ is now effectively on the end of an…

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RSS Support in Outlook 2007

I am/was a big fan of RSS Popper – when using Outlook 2003 it allowed me to pull blog posts into a selected folder in my mailbox (I used cached mode, so it was also available offline). It is currently at version 0.36 and has support for downloading enclosures (great for…

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Windows Live Writer on Vista

One of the first apps I loaded onto my laptop (after paving it and installing Vista Ultimate) was Windows Live Writer (which I’m using to compose this post – on a plane at 38,000 ft on my way to Boston). So it all installed OK, I ran it and it launches…

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Initial Thoughts On Outlook 2007

I’m very impressed with the improvements in Outlook 2007. The ToDo bar is proving a real godsend – it can (optionally) display a calendar (one or more months), appointments (fill the remaining space in the ToDo Bar or a only a fixed number of appointments, and Tasks. Left is a…

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Vista, Office 2007 and Productivity.

Last weekend I upgraded my work laptop to Windows Vista (Ultimate edition) and Office 2007 Professional (I believe these are actually released ‘officially’ to business customers tomorrow (30th Nov), but I got the RTM copy fro MSDN Subscriber Downloads. Anyway, the Vista install went very well – nice and easy,…

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