My New Category Filing System In Outlook 2007

I always try to keep my Inbox at a manageable level (for me that is less than 50 items). Everything that I have dealt with (or I need for reference) I file in a specific reference folder

ASIDE: I know Getting Things Done, GTD, advocates just deleting it but I’m one of those guys that doesn’t like to delete anything – I have no mailbox quota as we dogfood our own Archiving / Mailbox size control application, Archive One (shameless plugging).

Anyway, when the method I used for filing was to assign each email a category (or multiple categories) and then run an Outlook macro to copy it to a folder with the same name as the category. In Outlook 2003 assigning a category was a bit of a pain / lengthy process so I wrote a bunch of macros to automate this from the click of a single toolbar button.

Now I have Office 2007, assigning categories is much simpler, so I ditched the ‘Assign Category XXX’ macros and just wrote ‘FileBasedOnCategory’ macros. I needed one to process just the selected item and another for processing all items in my Inbox.

Now categorizing is a simple right click and select and storing a single toolbar button away…


 Here’s the macros I wrote:

Public Const ReferenceFolder = "zz Reference" Public Sub CategorizeThis() ' Assign a category to the selected objects Dim sCurrent As String, obj As Object, objList As Object Set objList = Application.ActiveExplorer.Selection For Each obj In objList StoreObject obj Next Set obj = Nothing Set objList = Nothing End Sub Public Sub CategorizeAll() ' Assign a category to the selected objects Dim sCurrent As String, obj As Object, objList As Object Set objList = Application.ActiveExplorer.CurrentFolder.Items For Each obj In objList StoreObject obj Next Set obj = Nothing Set objList = Nothing End Sub Private Sub StoreObject(ByRef obj As Object) Dim vCat As Variant, aCats() As String, o As Object, sFolder As String, bOK As Boolean bOK = True If obj.Categories <> "" Then aCats = Split(obj.Categories, ",") For Each vCat In aCats() sFolder = ReferenceFolder & "" & Trim(CStr(vCat)) If CreateMAPIFolder(sFolder) Then Set o = obj.Copy o.Move GetMAPIFolder(sFolder) Else MsgBox ("Could not create folder : " & sFolder) bOK = False Exit For End If Next If bOK Then obj.Delete End If End Sub Private Function CreateMAPIFolder(ByVal sFolder As String) As Boolean ' Create a MAPIFolder object of the specified name if none exists Dim objNS As NameSpace, objParent As MAPIFolder, objChild As MAPIFolder Set objNS = Application.GetNamespace("MAPI") Set objParent = objNS.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderInbox) Dim aFolders() As String, vFolder As Variant aFolders = Split(sFolder, "") For Each vFolder In aFolders On Error Resume Next Set objChild = objParent.Folders(Trim(CStr(vFolder))) If Err Then Set objChild = objParent.Folders.Add(Trim(CStr(vFolder))) Err.Clear Set objParent = objChild Next If (InStr(objChild.FolderPath, sFolder) > 0) Then CreateMAPIFolder = True Else CreateMAPIFolder = False End If Set objParent = Nothing Set objChild = Nothing Set objNS = Nothing End Function Private Function GetMAPIFolder(ByVal FolderName As String) As Object ' Returns a MAPIFolder object of the specified name Dim objNS As NameSpace, objParent As MAPIFolder, objChild As MAPIFolder Set objNS = Application.GetNamespace("MAPI") Set objParent = objNS.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderInbox) Dim aFolders() As String, vFolder As Variant aFolders = Split(FolderName, "") For Each vFolder In aFolders Set objChild = objParent.Folders(CStr(vFolder)) Set objParent = objChild Next Set GetMAPIFolder = objChild Set objParent = Nothing Set objChild = Nothing Set objNS = Nothing End Function

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