Local Dialects for Office Dictionaries

This is pretty cool. Microsoft (in the UK) are creating downloadable dictionaries for Office that contain words from local dialects.It is only a matter of time before I can type: It wisnae me that smashed the windae wi the fitba!     (TRANS: it was not I that smashed the window with…

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Development Team Progress

Recently I was reviewing the progress I had made with the development team (at work) since to took over responsibility for them around 8 months ago. It is actually pretty impressive (even if I do say so myself): Agreed and published a set of common / shared values and mission…

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MSCRM Customization

One of the projects I am involved with at work was evaluating Microsoft CRM (MSCRM). Out of the box, it comes as a pretty well fully featured CRM application, but it is also hugely customizable. I downloaded the SDK from here and had a quick play.Within 20 – 30 minutes…

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Word 2007 Blogging Fix 2

One of the developers on the dasBlog team (Nick) looked at this and found that there was a fairly easy fix we could do to dasBlog that would get around the Word 2007 issue. The metaWeblog API states that the blogid parameter is ‘the same as defined by the blogger…

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Word Blogging Fix

On 13 December 2006 I wrote this post demonstrating why Blogging from Word 2007 to Dasblog (and other blogs that correctly implemented newMediaObject) was broken. Recently I noticed a number of my referrals come from www.codesecurely.com (by Rudolph Araujo). Rudolph goes one step further than I did with the Word blogging problem…

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IHttpModule redirector

 I use dasBlog as the vehicle/technology for this site and currently have it configured at the root of the website (so you go to https://kapie.com and you get directly into this blog). This is kind of an unusual setup as most people put it in a /blog subdirectory or virtual…

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Immersing myself in PowerShell

PowerShell has been around for some time now, what with betas and CTPs. For (the released version of) Vista it became available a month or so ago. It’s been on my ‘must get to grips with’ list for a while now and I’ve kinda been following some blogs about it,…

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