dasBlog 2.0 Released

So dasBlog 2.0 (running under AS.NET 2.0 and medium trust) is now released. Scott has a great write up on it. I have been running this web site on it for a few weeks now and it’s been fine. We sneaked in a couple of last minute features (one of…

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Consuming or Producing

I am was sitting on a plane (to Boston) writing this. In front of me is a laptop (obviously), my Creative Zen Vision:M mp3/4 player (complete with around 10 episodes of dot net rocks and 4 of hanselminutes), a pen and blank paper, a couple of work documents that I…

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Current and Planned Reading List

Books I am currently reading : Code Complete (Second Edition) by Steve McConnellThis is the second edition of the classic ‘software construction’ guide. It has been updated to bring it into line with current developments in the software construction arena. It serves as a great reference, with some very easily…

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28 Hour Day

A bit of a detour from technical content, but I think this affects many technical people. This weekend I was reading some of Steve Pavlina’s ‘Personal Development for Smart People’ blog (not that I am a smart person ;-)). Of particular note was his ‘How to become an early riser’…

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Activity RSS for dasBlog

A few months ago I added a ‘Daily Report Email’ feature to dasBlog, so I could have the activity reports (referrers, searches etc) delivered to my mailbox at the end of every day.I wanted to take this one step further and deliver it via RSS (and dasBlog is a RSS…

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Word 2007 Opening PDF Files

Today I was looking around for some MSCRM info. I came across a great document on the Microsoft Website, Using Microsoft Dynamics CRM 3.0 Small Business Edition. It is a PDF file but on their Website it has a little Word icon next to it and is described as a…

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MSCRM Migrating Accounts

So after some poor experiences with the MSCRM Data Migration framework I decided to get pragmatic and write a C# app to do the migration. The CDF is poorly documented at best, it seems they (Microsoft) give you a bunch of database tables, an Excel spreadsheet outlining the schema and…

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Getting Into Technical Debt

So, this is something I learned on the Certified ScrumMaster course by Danube Technologies. It really clarified for me that any sense of control over software deadlines is, pretty much, only a ‘perceived’ sense of control. Yes, we can strongarm, use peer pressure or rigid authority to make developers work…

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Certified ScrumMaster Training

So I just spent two days in London on a ‘Certified ScrumMaster’ training course run by Danube Technologies. The instructor was a Dan Rawsthorne and although he liked to reference things to the military, he covered a great deal of topics and had an incredible wealth of experience – some…

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