Too many hex calculators around

Just recently we have been interviewing for a new developer. I have found it incredulous, the amount of people with considerable experience that cannot do hex / dec conversions. One of the things we do during an interview is to have people write code – this is normally a short…

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Do it yourself ringtones

Sarah wanted ‘Ruby Ruby Ruby’ by the Kaiser Chiefs as her ringtone. Her mobile doesn’t have any easy way of connecting to a PC, so she joined one of the rip-off ‘Ringtones R Us’ services that force you into paying £4.50 / week for as many ringtone downloads as you…

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Scripting Active Directory

I seem to have been dong a lot of scripting work recently – I really should be using PowerShell, but I had limited time to get this stuff done and it needed to pretty generic / simple as it would be implemented by others (some with limited knowledge of scripting…

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GeoRss for dasBlog

I have completed stage one of GeoRss enabling dasBlog. In the config page I added some options for enabling GeoRss, specifying a default lat/long and enabling ‘integration’ with Google maps. There is also an option to use the default lat/long for any non geocoded posts.   If GeoRss is enabled…

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Mix UK using social networking tool

I registered for Mix:UK a few weeks ago and today got an email from the Mix team about a social networking tool they are using to help people make the most of the conference. They are using backnetwork, which allows creation of profiles, blogging, photos, adding friends / colleagues etc (all…

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Automating Installs

I was spending far too much time installing OS’s – virtual machines, lab machines etc. In order to automate / streamline this I wanted to look at not just the Windows tools as well as other options. Remote Installation Service (RIS) and unattended.txt files go so far, but during my…

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