w.Bloggar out, Windows Live Writer in

I’ve just downloaded and installed Windows Live Writer.

After playing with it for two minutes, I’ve decided it will replace w.Bloggar my current incumbent blogging tool.

Don’t get me wrong, w.Bloggar is a very good tool. There site was down for a couple of weeks (which made me worry it was dead) but is now back up (to a degree) and they have a new partner for hosting their site.
It supports all the functionality that I require


Windows Live Writer just does it better !!   It automagically detected my CSS and formatted itself with it (so my posts, as I am writing them, now look they way they will on the website).
I can create the posts in HTML view, including insertion of images etc.
The method of selecting/configuring FTP uploads was a breeze.
Also (maybe this is just perception/rose tinted glasses), I seem to be creating posts A LOT quicker than I could with w.Bloggar


Writer has a much slicker interface and just seems so much more intuitive. In my simple terms w.Bloggar looks Win2000 and Writer looks Win2003

I just cannot rave about Writer enough. It’s still a BETA, but it rocks..