
I was recording some audio earlier today and the quality from my cheap, generic headset/microphone was woeful.dropio_logo-1, so I searched around for a service that I could make a telephone call into and it would record the spoken audio and give me a WAV or MP3file.

I came across http://drop.io – this is a neat little Web 2.0 service that allows sharing of files, media etc, sending stuff via email, receiving stuff via email, fax, voice etc.

One of the features was a US telephone voicemail service that recorded my spoken content and stored it in my private ‘drop’ as an MP3 – exactly what I was looking for.

Whilst I could have, undoubtedly, found the specific service I was looking for from a UK provider the cool features that these guys provide made me want to use them :-

  • Conference Calling number (not recorded). drop.io
  • Voicemail Number (audio is recorded and left in your ‘drop’ as a MP3).
  • Add content via a custom @drop.io email address.
  • Add content via fax.
  • Email alerts to any updates to your drop.
  • RSS feed for action on your drop.
  • Security model where I can invite people to view my drop, or add content etc.
  • Add notes / links to your drop.
  • Zip up the whole drop and provide a link.
  • Really nice, clean look and feel.
  • FREE !!

You can also upgrade to pro version (paid for) that provide more than the 1GB of storage or keep drops open for longer than the defaults or even shorten the url of your drop (in the free version this is http://drop.io/user_chosen_drop_name min of 7 characters) – to two letters http://drop.io.kj for example…

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