Listen Live

Too much effort reading my ramblings ? Want to listen instead ? Now you can !! Courtesy of the excellent odiogo, the excellent text to speech service. This is a free service that bloggers can use, it takes your RSS feed, splits it out to each separate post and then…

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NikePlus Gets An F Minus

One of the things I find really helpful in terms of motivation (for running) is having easy visibility of weekly, monthly and total mileages, times, paces etc. So, a couple of weeks ago I bought myself a Nike+ Sportband. This promised it all – a senor that fits in your…

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Replace in Files for PowerShell

A while back I restructured my website so that this blog no longer started at the root, instead starting from /blog. This was so that I could introduce some other web apps and have a subfolder for projects etc. One of the pains of this restructure was modifying all the…

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I was recording some audio earlier today and the quality from my cheap, generic headset/microphone was woeful., so I searched around for a service that I could make a telephone call into and it would record the spoken audio and give me a WAV or MP3file. I came across…

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Outlook IMAP

Now that I have moved us over to Google Apps For Your Domain (GAFYD) completely, I have been fighting with Outlook to get a decent user / email experience. It just doesn’t seem to flow well – I got the SMTP/IMAP send/receive stuff all set up and working correctly, but…

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Tweet from PowerShell

I have been playing with Twitter recently and thought it might be neat to see if I could post a ‘tweet’ from PowerShell. There is a great Google Group that discusses their API. The APIs are all REST based and really easy to use – the only complexity is that…

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Search for the Enterprise

It has been a real busy month at work and I’ve just not had a minute. One of the big things I see on the (technical) horizon is ‘federated search’ for the Enterprise. We already have this for the desktop / individual in the form of Google Desktop Search, Vista…

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Homebrew Home Server

So a while back (31st Dec 2007), my beta license for Windows Home Server (WHS) expired and I hacked together an alternative solution. I have been updating my (almost) free/opensource alternative (it still needs a Windows OS) over the past couple of days and now have a pretty viable solution.…

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