Generate sitemaps using PowerShell

I was discussing ‘googlability’  – a new word I made up meaning ‘the ability to find via Google’ – of our knowledgebase with one of the technical guys at work.It seems that we seldom get matches in Google searches (and the built in search is somewhat lame) – I was…

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WebApp KeepAlive Service

Recently I have been working with DotNetNuke. This is a superb open source CMS platform running on ASP.NET with a SQL back end, simple to install, easy to use and there is a thriving community around it. It is also available in a ‘Professional’ version which costs around £2000 per…

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Google Results Ranking

Disclaimer: Screenscraping results like this probably contravening Google’s Terms of Use (or something) and I do not advocate that you do it – this is purely hypothetical, if I did want to do it, this is how I would go about it  😉 Further Disclaimer: The results page formats could…

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TimeSnapper Plugin

Yesterday on Leon’s Blog, secretGeek, I noticed they had released v3.4 of TimeSnapper. One of the features that caught my eye was the ability to develop/add plugins to it. I love plugins, I’ve written plugins for Windows Live Writer, Outlook, dasBlog, and more.  Everything should have an SDK or plugin’able…

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