A couple of handy scripts

I have been updating some of my ‘magicwords’ for SlickRun recently. This a great tool for getting focus on a particular task. Instead of having to mess about opening folders, word documents, web sites all in preparation for a task you can enter one ‘magicword’ and have it do all…

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Todo.txt scripts

I’ve been spending a bit of time at LifeHacker recently, there is some pretty good tips over there (it’s where I found the PointUI for windows mobile 6). One of the posts I came across was this http://lifehacker.com/347269/lifehackers-exclusive-line-of-productivity-software. The Todo.sh command line tool caught my eye, as I always have…

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The killer UI for Windows Mobile

I am totally blown away by this. This is (IMHO) exactly what Windows mobile has been waiting for. I have downloaded and am using this on my HTC TyTN II (Kaiser) – works like a dream, very easy to use and responsive to finger touch / navigation.There are a number…

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Flex your scripting fingers

It’s time to flex those scripting fingers and get your brain warmed up – The 2008 Scripting Games are coming. Put a note in your calendars – February 15-March 3, 2008. Stay tuned to the Scripting Games Tips for some (possible) hints and useful techniques that the tasks may involve……

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New home backup regime

The king is dead, long live the king. Over the Christmas break the license for my beta of Windows Home Server ran out, so I needed an alternative backup / storage solution. I briefly considered Linux with some iSCSI software, Windows with DFS or FRS, or indeed forking out some…

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PowerShell Plus

One of my colleagues switched me on to PowerShell Plus and I’m loving it. Code editor, snippets, values of variables, logging tools and much more, including a really neat feature called ‘MiniMode’ (see the toolbar icon at the extreme right in the image. This ‘MiniMode’ closes all toolbars/toolwindows except the…

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HTC TyTn II Windows Mobile

I’ve had my HTC TyTn II (aka Kaiser aka Vodafone V1615 aka HTC 4550) for a couple of weeks now – very impressed. This is almost the converged device I have been looking for (it is still a little too big to be perfect)… Wireless Networking 11g GPS Bluetooth GPRS…

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Setting expectations

This is something that is close to my heart.. Not setting correct expectations – I believe this is the downfall of many organizations and individuals. If you set an expectation and do not deliver then you have failed, simple as that. Doing it regularly it gets you a bad name,…

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