SupportSuite – KB bug fixed
I found an issue in SupportSuite ( where if a client (user) did a KB search they would get the subject line and first 255 characters of each result match – some of these matches would be PRIVATE or DRAFT knowledgebase articles.
I guess this is a bug, but based on the responses (timeframe to even review reported issues) to bugs I reported to Kayako recently, I decided to fix it myself…
Here is what I did :
MODIFIED /modules/core/client_search.php
In the section commented as : // ===== SEARCH ALL MODULES ========
if ($module->isRegistered(MODULE_KNOWLEDGEBASE)) { $_searchresults = searchKnowledgebase($_POST[“searchquery”]); }
if ($module->isRegistered(MODULE_KNOWLEDGEBASE)) { $_searchresults = searchClientKnowledgebase($_POST[“searchquery”]); }
also in the else if block directly below :
} else if ($_POST[“searchtype”] == “knowledgebase” && $module->isRegistered(MODULE_KNOWLEDGEBASE)) { $_searchresults = searchKnowledgebase($_POST[“searchquery”]);
TO } else if ($_POST[“searchtype”] == “knowledgebase” && $module->isRegistered(MODULE_KNOWLEDGEBASE)) { $_searchresults = searchClientKnowledgebase($_POST[“searchquery”]);
So, you’ve now forced the client search functions to use a new function (called seachClientKnowledgebase)
that we will now define…
Open the file /modules/core/functions_clientsearch.php
Copy the whole function named searchKnowledgebase and paste another copy into the same file.
Now rename the function to searchClientKnowledgebase.
In the newly pasted and renamed function look for the section starting with // ========BUILD THE CATEGORY LIST FOR THIS GROUP =====
// KH get the status of each article and only use the ‘published’ ones $_finalpublishedarticlelist = array(); $dbCore->query(“SELECT * FROM `”. TABLE_PREFIX .”kbarticles` WHERE
(line wrapped) kbarticleid IN (“. buildIN($_finalkbarticleidlist) .”);”); while ($dbCore->nextRecord()) { if ($dbCore->Record[“articlestatus”] == “published”) { $_finalpublishedarticlelist[] = $dbCore->Record[“kbarticleid”]; } }
while ($dbCore->nextRecord()) { if ($dbCore->Record[“categorytype”] == SWIFTPUBLIC) { $_finalkbarticleidlist[] = $dbCore->Record[“kbarticleid”]; } }
Then modify the next block of code to read as follows :
if (!count($_finalpublishedarticlelist)) { return $_queryresult; }
Alternatively simply make a backup of your existing files :
- /modules/core/functions_clientsearch.php
- /modules/core/client_search.php
and replace them with the files in