Is it worth it ???

Well I beat my record.

This weekend I drove from Newbury, Berkshire to Argyll, Scotland to do some ‘munro baggging’ with my brother.
It’s a 400 mile journey that I expected to do in around 7 hours. I ended up driving for 10 hours each way.

The weather was pretty miserable so we didn’t get anything done on the Sunday (we like to try and fit in a short 4 to 6 hour walk on a Sunday morning before I head back). So for a total of 20 hours driving I enjoyed 5.5 hours walking (previous record was 18 hours driving for 6 hours walking).

Anyway, we stayed in Crianlarich Youth Hostel on the Friday night, walking a couple of the Bridge of Orchy munros on Saturday in rain mostly, with a cloud base of around 700m. We had planned to do all 4 of the easily linked munros here, but the weather was so bad we sacked it after 2.
This brings my ‘bagged’ total to 129 (only 155 to go).
Beinn Dorain
Beinn Dothaidh

It starts from the Bridge of Orchy railway station, following a well trodden path up the side of the Allt coire an Dothaidh. The path opens up to more marshy land at around 550m, then a steep pull up 100m or so brings you to the bealach at 744m (spot height)
Heading South on another well trodden path takes you over initial gentle terrain, giving way to more steep and finally to the summit with a large cairn.

Head back to the bealach and on towards Beinn Dothaidh. A well defined slanting path leads from the bealach across the hillside towards the summit, the path soon peters out and becomes a trudge over the wet hillside to the summit (ensure you visit the East top which is 1004m, 4m higher than the West top).

Head back to the bealach and back the way you came.

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