How Much Space Does Powershell Need

OK I know that Powershell V1.0 is not supported on Vista (yet) and that Powershell RC2 is only supported for Vista RC1 – at least that’s what it looks like from the Powershell Website.

I thought I’d give installing Powershell R2 a bash just to see how far I’d get with it. Here’s how it went :-

Powershell R2 is a 1.6MB file as we can see from the properties status bar thingy in Vista.

Should need too much disk space right – even with compression it couldn’t want more than say 160MB ??

OK, lets kick off the install


Good – it started, and looks to be extracting files etc.

Oh – oh – not enough space eh? Maybe one of my drives is getting low ?

Doesn’t look like it, 15GB free on one and 25GB on the other – looks like the error message is a tad misleading. Anyway as expected the result was…

I guess I shouldn’t complain, it is a BETA and it states on their Website that it wont work. However maybe a version check before starting the install or a more accurate / useful error message would be better ?…