Google mail IMAP not working on WM6

Just changed all my email / calendar stuff to Google Apps for Your Domain (GAYD). It was a breeze to do, took around an hour all in and now all email access is IMAP and Web.

The reason I chose this setup was so that all email and calendar data is stored by google, which is much less likely to loose data that I am (HDD crash, theft, fire, flood etc).

As part of the reconfiguration I changed my usual mail IMAP settings on my WM6 device (Pocket Outlook). After changing all the settings I was surprised to find that it simply didn’t work.
After much trial and error I found that WM6 didn’t seem to want to swap from non SSL connections for SSL connections.

The ‘fix’ was simply to delete the original account and then create a brand new one. All is fine and dandy now…

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