Business of Software 2008

BoSLast week I attended the ‘Business of Software 2008’ conference in Boston, MA.

I cannot rave enough about this conference – the quality of the speakers, the content, the organization – everything, was fantastic.
It was organized by Neil Davidson (CEO and Founder of Red-Gate Software) and Joel Spolsky (FogCreek and JoelOnSoftware). They did a fab job !!

Some of the speakers included :-

As well as many, many others. It covered all the key components of building and running a software business, even as far as raising Venture Capital – and eventually selling (via an excellent Pecha Kucha presentation from Alexis Ohanian, founder of

Seriously, if you are at all involved in the software business then come next year (no dates or location yet), if for nothing else but the networking opportunities…

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