Baking Pi – Part 1

After starting with a Raspberry Pi that was just too simple to set up as XMBC media centre for daughter #1 bedroom, it soon became a permanent feature there – meaning, of course, that I needed another…

I now have my second helping of Pi – again I got a Raspberry Pi Model B (512MB RAM).

I’m running this mostly headless and wanted to post a few pointers on my setup (so I can recall it when I trash the Raspbian OS and have to restart from scratch.

After a standard Raspbian install I am doing the following actions / configurations :

  • Basic configuration via raspi-config
  • Setting a static IP address
  • Updating all packages
  • Adding a custom port to listen for SSH on (for remote access through home router)
  • Setting up vsftpd

Here is the step by step guide:

Basic configuration via raspi-config

  • Make an SSH connection to the device and login (pi / raspberry)
  • From the command line run sudo raspi-config
  • Upgrade raspi-config
  • Configure as required.

Setting up a static IP address

  • From the command line run sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces
  • Change iface eth0 inet dhcp to iface eth0 inet static image
  • below this add…
  • address
  • netmask
  • gateway
  • Now reboot (sudo reboot)

Updating all packages

  • From the command line run sudo apt-get update
  • From the command line run sudo apt-get upgrade
  • Now reboot (sudo reboot)

Adding a customer port to listen for SSH on

  • From the command line run sudo nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config
  • Add a line under where it says Port 22
  • Type Port xxxx on the new line (where xxxx is your desired additional port number)

Setting up vsftpd (FTP Server)

  • From the command line run sudo apt-get install vsftpd
  • Now edit the config file to change the port is listens on
  • From the command line run sudo nano /etc/vsftpd.conf
  • Under the line that reads listen=YES add the following lines
  • listen_port=xxxx (where xxxx is your desired port)
  • pasv_enable=YES
  • pasv_min_port=yyyyy (where yyyyy is the lower range of ports you want it to use)
  • pasv_max_port=zzzzz (where zzzzz is the upper range of ports you want it to use)
  • Now restart the vsftpd service with sudo /etc/init.d/vsftpd restart

All done. The Pi is now configured to allow SSH and FTP access on custom ports (with corresponding holes through the firewall to allow external access). Enjoy…

hardware raspberry-pi technical